Continuous deploy with immutable infrastructure requires an automatic and robust workflow for building virtual machines. This article lists some tips and tricks on how to use Packer and Ansible with the base AWS Linux AMI.
Using Packer and Ansible, a simple bash script “wrapper” can be responsible to build, provision and deploy AMIs into your AWS infrastructure.
Immutable infrastructure practices require to treat virtual machines as disposable tools, meant to be thrown away and recreated from scratch when we want/must change something (new application code, software upgrades, OS tweaking, …).
Packer is a tool to portably create machine images. It can build VM artifacts for different platforms such as AWS EC2, Azure, DigitalOcean, Docker, GCE, …
Code attached here refers to the cooking of AWS EC2 instances.
Creating virtual machines portably and à-la-carte sounds cool, but what is even cooler is that Packer can also be instructed to wrap your infrastructure provisioner of choice ( Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Salt and some others) while baking a machine.
Packer building logic and parameters are defined in a JSON template file: please refer to intro and docs pages for details.
In the following, we list tips and tricks adopted to automatically build and provision Sequra AWS machines based on encrypted AMIs.
Wrap packer templates into bash scripts
The first trick that we suggest is to create a script that wraps both the JSON Packer template and the commands/variables necessary to execute the command, i.e.
# ... params management
... Your Packer template, with bash and ENV variables to make it more flexible
time packer build -var "aws_access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" \
-var "aws_secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" \
Putting AWS credentials in environment variables might not be the best solution, but it is not the focus here. Feel free to implement different ways to pass them to packer.
Non-standard location of sftp-server command on AWS Linux AMIs
This tip can save you from setting debug options in Ansible and Packer to skim through logs in order to understand why you cannot provision an AWS Linux machine with the Packer test template found in the documentation.
"provisioners": [
"sftp_command": "/usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server -e"
Packer does not support Ansible remote_user in playbooks
Packer connects to instances to push and run Ansible code only with the user you specify in the builder of the packer template. Full stop. No can do. Just try some other solution.
"builders": [{
"ssh_username": "ec2-user",
The same happens for ansible_user in configuration files, i.e. it is useless.
This is a poorly documented packer “feature” that can cause headaches. It is actually under discussion and the issue we opened seems to be taken as case study.
ec2-user to non-root users
Another trick we implemented is due to the fact that Ansible 2.1 and above versions by default do not allow to become an unprivileged user from non-root users. There are sound security reasons for this, but this is a pity as on AWS AMIs sudo-ed root users are called ec2-user (or ubuntu), and this security measure then impedes become_user tasks, a very common pattern when provisioning with Ansible. In our case, we can use the workaround that Ansible people suggest to modify this default behaviour, i.e. we can put
allow_world_readable_tmpfiles = True
in your ansible configuration file.
We have shown here that, with a bit of effort, it is possible to couple the great power of Ansible and Packer to build AWS Linux machines: all testing was done with version 2016.09.0, but the tips will probably apply to more versions. This can be used in a continuous delivery/deploy solution in order to allow immutable infrastructure pipelines, where phrases as ‘cap stage deploy’, ‘apt-get update’, … are not very welcome.